Unlimited and FREE CPD via The National College
Our team delights in working with teachers who not only have all of the required qualifications, but also have a genuine passion for their subject and the art of teaching. We understand the crucial role that Secondary Teachers play in the development of young people, from nurturing their academic skills to empowering them to be more emotionally resilient. To ensure that our Teachers are at the peak of their powers, we offer a selection of CPD courses, including:
- How to plan a good lesson in accordance with OFSTED
- Effective Questioning in the Classroom
- Creating Behaviour for Learning
- EAL Learners in the Mainstream Classroom
- AFL 1: Effective Assessment in the Classroom
- Supply Teaching Bible; for everyone new to supply
Teachers at all career stages stand to greatly benefit from these exceptional courses, and by getting in touch with us today, you can gain access to these programs, industry-leading expertise from our consultants, and the latest Secondary Teaching jobs. So, if you are looking for a position that allows you to inspire the next generation of secondary-aged children, be sure to get in contact with us today.